My personal website.

A Familiar Carol

On the first day of the toothpaste project my past self gave to me:

On the second day of the toothpase project my past self gave to me:

On the third day of the toothpase project my past self gave to me:

On the fourth day of the toothpase project my past self gave to me:

On the fifth day of the toothpase project my past self gave to me:

On the sixth day of the toothpase project my past self gave to me:

On the seventh day of the toothpase project my past self gave to me:

I do plan on returning to this project soon! I just accidentally overcommitted to 87 other creative projects over the past few months. And I have more coming up soon!

*This is mostly for comedic effect. I had some anxiety about some of the shows, but mostly I’ve been feeling pretty good lately. How are you? You look great. Love what you’ve done with your hair.